About Biomagnetism and Biomagnetic Neuropsychology ---> NCODE
Medical Biomagnetism and Biomagnetic Neuropsychology
These are 2 of the most advanced and revolutionary healing modalities to help balance and heal the Body, Mind and Spirit.
Medical Biomagnetism
Medical Biomagnetism also known as Biomagnetic Pair Therapy is presently the most advanced, revolutionary, low cost and effective healing modality that helps balance and heal the Body, Mind and Spirit.
It's a therapeutic system discovered and developed by Dr Isaac Goiz Duran, MD based on his discovery of the Biomagnetic Pair (BMP) in 1988. It's a simple, non invasive, low cost and very effective therapy that utilizes magnets of opposite polarity by pairs, Negative ⚫️ a and Positive
to detect pH imbalances of Acidity and Alkalinity in specific areas of the body in order to fight virus, bacteria, parasites and fungus, which are the main cause of most illnesses while also balancing Glandular Dysfunctions and clearing the body of heavy metals, pesticides, vaccines toxicity, and other toxic substances that accumulate over the years.

Considered by many Health Professionals the Medicine of the Future, it's being practiced at many hospitals and clinics while also recognized by medical institutions and governments as part of their health care programs. It is now taught at several Universities worldwide.
Official Certified Biomagnetism trainings and Certificates should have this logo and be signed by Dr. Isaac Goiz Duran, otherwise the information you receive at other unauthorized trainings might not be accurate, missing important information that would result in the Biomagnetism Therapy not being as effective and in some cases it could even harm your client. At the Official Certified trainings you will also received the latest research and discoveries directly by Dr. Isaac Goiz Duran's School.
In the video with English subtitles we see the before and after blood tests on a patient treated by Dr. Isaac Goiz Duran. You can also read about the study and results in this article:
Interview w/ Dr. Isaac Goiz Duran, MD
English subtitles
Biomagnetic Pair Therapy and Typhoid Fever
- a Pilot study by Dr. Bryan Frank, MD
Biomagnetic Neuropsychology is a new branch of Medical Biomagnetism developed by Moises Goiz, a Psychologist, Architect, Biomagnetism Instructor and Therapist.
It is an extraordinary original therapeutic system which studies the behaviour and mental processes of individuals in relation to their neuro-electrical processes. Involves the logical-mathematical reprogramming of our mental processes and it's neurological implementation through magnetism.
It is a Neuropsychological technique that helps us restore our emotional and psychological well-being. It combines both Psychotherapy and Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation to indirectly manipulate the neuronal electricity, allowing us to correct certain cognitive process known as traumas. It utilizes virtual scenarios with spatial locations in which the subconscious assigns specific concepts, with the purpose of identifying them through kinesiological tests, detecting conflicts which are hidden from our consciousness. Once they are found, the cerebral cortex is stimulated with Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation EMT, while at the same time bringing forth the conscious and unconscious information, connecting them both, which will leave an electric blueprint in the brain that will correct the mental programming. For this Therapy, we use 2 sets of cards, with one set we introduce psychological scenarios and with the other one we perform an unconscious scanning and interpretation. Then we proceed to impact with a magnet or a Magnetic Transcranial Stimulator, specially designed by Moises Goiz for this therapy, the points that are dormant and need stimulation, ending up with a review of their errors of perception that showed up and introducing new perceptions more in tune with the clients present life and desire for change.
Biomagnetic Neuropsychology -----> NCODE Information
NCODE is a Psychological and Neurological therapeutic training for people who are looking to improve the way they react towards circumstances and situations in their lives, creating changes more in tune with their present life and desires.
For those already familiar with the benefits of Biomagnetic Neuropsychology, the NCODE experience will take them to the next level. The breakthroughs turn into group dynamics where they will be learning this therapeutic modality hands on, by practicing in the moment algorithms, pseudocoding, magnetic triangulation and many other techniques.
Family members and friends are welcome to participate during the first 2 phases: NCODE 1 & 2, where they will individually receive the benefits of this revolutionary healing modality. NCODE 1 & 2 is the first step into the Biomagnetic Neuropsychology Certification.
NCODE 1 - is the first stage of the Group Therapy, everybody interested in experiencing and receiving this therapy can participate even if they are not interested in becoming Certified.
It is the first step towards the Biomagnetic Neuropsychology Therapist Certification. Includes the following Behavioral and Emotional scenarios: Love, Will, Goodness/Kindness, Empathy, Fear, Anger, Anticipation, Sadness. One day of class.
NCODE 2- is the second stage. The Scenarios are Productivity and Complexes / Hang-ups: Responsibility, Maturity, Relativity, Uncertainty, Suffering and the new added concepts of Negotiation, Productivity, Assertiveness, Happiness. This two stages conclude the Group Therapy. It is also part 1 of the Certification Program. One day of class.
NCODE ---> Biomagnetic Neuropsychology Certification. In order to be Certified, you will need to complete NCODE 1 & 2 first and then take 2 consecutive days of training specifically designed to learn how to understand and apply successfully this therapeutic modality.
What is NCODE
Video with English subtitles where Moises Goiz does a demonstration and explains a Biomagnetic Neuropsychology session
Short introductory video
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When is the next training for NCODE?